KSOU Mysuru

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Hostel Services


The University Constitutes a well furnished Ladies Hostel in the Campus with accommodation for 56 students at a time. Each room can accommodate two students at a nominal rent of Rs. 50/- per head. In addition to this, each student has to pay Rs. 250/- as Refundable Caution Deposit. The University will levy penalty if students were found staying in the Hostel without valid receipt. The room rent has to be remitted in the counter meant for this purpose. Students have to follow discipline in the premises of the University.


There are seven Hostels compressing three rooms. Nine students can stay in each hostel. A rent of Rs. 50/- per student per day has been fixed. KSOU accommodates the students to a limited extent. Therefore KSOU advises other students to make their own arrangement for their accommodation.Damage to University property in the hostel by students will be viewed seriously. Use of alcohol is Prohibited in the rooms. If found, the erring student will be penalized. For advance reservation of accommodation students can contact Information Cell over telephone (Tel. No 0821-2519943). It is not possible to provide accommodation if student arrive at odd hours without prior intimation. Accomodation service will be provided to those candidates who arrive first ‘First Come-First Served’ and there will be no preferential accommodation later.

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