KSOU Mysuru

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1Minutes of the relevant BoS/ School Board / Academic Council for all programmes of universityview
2Minutes of relevant Academic Council/ School Board /BoS meetings for new programmesview
3Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BoS meetings for revision of programmesview
4List of courses that integrate crosscutting issues mentioned aboveview
5Description of the courses which address Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human Values, Emerging Demographic changes and Professional Ethics in the Curriculaview
6Report of academic Counseling sessionsview
7List of evaluatorsview
8Graduate Attributes / Programme Outcomes, Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomesview
9Minutes of the Governing Council/ Syndicate/Board of Management / Academic Council/ Research Council related to research promotion policy adoptionview
10Web-link of research papers publishedview
11Link of the funding agency websiteview
12Initiatives taken by the institutionview
13Report of the event/ link to the material developedview
14Minutes of the Governing Council/ Syndicate/Board of Management related to consultancy policyview
15Brochures of the activitiesview
16Activity Reportsview
17Report of achievements which led to institutional excellenceview
18Information / documents pertaining to leadershipview
19Perspective / Plan and deployment documentsview
     1 Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA) view
       2 Self-Study Report (SSR) for 1st Cycle of Accreditation view
       3 Self-Study Report (SSR) for 1st Cycle of Accreditation (Post DVV) view
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