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Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) was established on 1st June 1996 with the assent of His Excellency Honorable Governor of Karnataka as a full fledged University in the academic year 1996 vide Government notification no ED 1 UOV 95 dated 12th February 1996 (KSOU Act – 1992). The act was promulgated with the objects is torder to establish an Open University at the State level for the need and promotion of Open University and Distance Education systems in the education pattern of the State and for the Co-ordination and determination of standard of ODL system in Higher Education.
KSOU are recognised by University Grants Commision (UGC) New-Delhi vide order No: F.No 14-5/2018 (DEB-I) Dated : 14th August 2018 for the period from 2018-19 to 2022-23. For further details click the link UGC DEB Recognition
UGC has issued a Public Notice F. No. L-9/2018 (DEB-I) dated 23rd February, 2018
in which the Government of India has envisaged a greater role for the Open and the Distance Education System by recognizing and treating the Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates awarded through distance mode at par with the corresponding awards of Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates obtained through the formal system of education.
Accordingly, the Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates awarded for programmes conducted by the ODL institutions, recognized by the erstwhile DEC/UGC, in conformity with UGC Notification on Specification of Degrees should be treated as equivalent to the corresponding awards of the Degree/Diploma/ Certificate of the traditional Universities/Institutions in the country.