KSOU Mysuru

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The university contributes significantly to the growth of higher education by offering the need based academic programs on the basis of the accessibility, quality, flexibility and the relevance. The University motto “Higher Education to Everyone Everywhere” is being realized through three-tire student support services. At present the university has over Thirty One PG Departments on various subjects including faculties from Arts, Commerce, Science, Management, Education, Law and Humanities. The University Library was established along with the Karnataka State Open University in 1996. The KSOU was carved out of the Institute of Correspondence Course and Continuing Education (ICC & CE) of the University of Mysore is a pioneer institute in the Asian continent. Earlier, the Library was housed in the Academic Block of main building of the KSOU where the University offices were also working. From 1996 the library resources were made available to the readers, and the library has follows open access right from the beginning. The Library is housed in an independent and spacious building in 18,850 sq. ft area since 2007.

1. Vision Statement:

University Library aspires to create the most dynamic learning environment providing the seamless access to ever-growing knowledge and information by using cutting edge technologies to promote higher learning, innovative research and striving to preserve the rich culture and heritage of the land both in print and in digital form.

2. Mission Statement:

• Building the need based collection to enhance the curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular learning programmes • Designing the effective tools of retrieval and user-friendly services • Establishing connectivity with the local and external resources through the means of consortia • Developing the institutional repository • Empowering the user community from time to time through strategically planned and programmed information literacy activities.

Library Overview

Library Collection

The Library has developed an excellent collection of books, journals and non-book material in Social Sciences, Humanities, Science and Management disciplines. Collection building a core activity of the library, has been undergoing a transformation, from print-only environment to print-and-online and to online-only formats. The library currently subscribes to good number journals in print and online The library collection comprising of books, journals, theses/dissertations, non-book materials and other reading material as on 31st March 2019 stands as follows:

Digital initiatives

The Library will strengthen the e-resources making provision to remote access facility keeping in for the distance education mode users – Extension of digital library services to regional centres of Karnataka State Open University.

The Library is planning digitization of valuable rare book collection and build an digitalized institutional repository using DSpace open source software. The Library is planning to build an institutional repository to save, share, and search university’s resources including an increasing number of scholarly papers, reports, theses, etc.

There is a urgent need and concrete plan is to develop a Learning Resource Centre for Visually Challenged. The centre will be equipped with modern hardware and software useful for visually challenged and low vision students. In addition, the library will plan facility for Assistive Technology for Physically Challenged library users as well. The university will participate in a upcoming academic library consortia envisaged by the Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Government of Karnataka.


Library uses NewGenLib library automation software for housekeeping operation of the Library. The users can access the online public access catalog (OPAC) of the Library at http://ksoumysore.karnataka.gov.in/pages/opac.aspx

Library Membership

All the students of the University can become the members of the Library after getting their Identity Card issued from the university authority. To get membership they have to fill-in application form along with Passport size photos (for M.Phil and Research scholar 6 photos and for Graduate and Post Graduate students 3 photos). Membership will be issued on payment of refundable Caution Deposit of Rs.250/- for Graduates and Post Graduates and Rs.500/- for M.Phil and Ph.D students.

The registered Graduate and Post Graduate students will be issued two borrowers tickets, whereas M.Phil and Ph.D students will get five borrowers tickets. Users can borrow one book per card. The issued books can be borrowed for the period of 60 days, and after the due date a fine of Rs. 1/- per day per book will be charged. Users can renew the books borrowed by them if the same books are not requested by any other user. The student should return the books and borrowers ticket at the end of the academic year. In case they fail to return the same, the admission ticket for the examination may not be issued. As per the university guidelines students has to surrender the borrows ticket and produce their identity card to the library authorities for obtaining “No Dues Certificate”





The housekeeping operations and catalogue is computerized using NewGenLib integrated library management software. Web based Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is provided to the users. Searches can be made by author, title, subject, class number, and publisher using Boolean search. The newly accessioned books and journal issues are displayed on a monthly basis.

The Library offers various kinds of services to its users. The library offers Reference Services, Referral Service, Users’ Orientation Service, Circulation Service, Current awareness Service, Bibliographic Service, Press Clippings Service, Books Display on themes, Book of the week, Photocopy Service etc. The Library has a well equipped e-resource centre with internet facility to cater to the needs of the users.

Library Orientation: The orientation programme aims to familiarize students with the library facility, resources and services, use of the online catalog, basic database searching techniques, etc. and to introduce students to the issues of academic integrity

Bibliographical Information Service: Bibliographical Information Services is provided on request basis online.

Current Awareness Service: Library provides current awareness services to the users such as Newspaper Clipping Service, New Addition or Arrival List of Books, Journals etc.

Photocopy Service (Xeroxing): Photocopy service is also available at the Library.

E-Resources Information Centre: E-Resources Information Centre is located at the Library’s First Floor, it has 30 computers with internet facility.

Electronic Journals: It is possible to access more than 1000 + full text electronic journals available on open access model. These Electronic Journals are very useful to faculty, researchers and students.

Working hours

The library functions from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on all working days. During contact programmes and university examinations, the Library will be kept open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and meanwhile on Government Holiday’s library functions from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Circulation of books will be during 10:00 am to 5:30 pm on all working days.

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