KSOU Mysuru

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Public Administration Department


Enable learners to render and receive quality public services by enhancing the knowledge and skill of public administration and thereby promote good governance


1.To impart quality education in the field of Public Administration

2.To enhance competitive skills in the student community.

3.To impart knowledge and skill, so that learners can be employed in any sector.

4.To prepare learners to initiate and facilitate interactions between various bodies/ institutions to provide ethical and workable solutions to the societal problems/issues.

5.To facailitate study of public administration, its working mechanism, formulation of policies, decisions making process and its implementation.

6.To give an exposure on political, economic and socio-cultural, legal factors leading to a policy decisions and its implementation.

7.To enable the learners to acquaint themselves with components of formulation of social policy considering new developments in the society in the interest of public service.

8.To impart critical social issues, its impact, scientific analysis of the problems and such other relevant issues.

Chairperson : 

Personal Contact Programme






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